
🚀 A minimal WebGPU 3d example written in C, compiled to WebAssembly (wasm). 🛠️ Ideal for experimenting and preparing for native development without install dependencies (dawn, wgpu-rs).

Primary LanguageC


A minimal WebGPU 3d example written in C, compiled to WebAssembly (wasm).


Getting started


git clone https://github.com/seyhajin/webgpu-wasm-c.git

Alternatively, download zip from Github repository and extract wherever you want.


Build the example will generate 3 new files (.html, .js, .wasm).

Launch build script according to your system :



Linux & MacOS

sh build.bat

Alternatively, type the below command to build example (all platforms):

emcc main.c -o webgpu.html --shell-file shell.html -s -USE_WEBGPU=1


Launch a web server to run example before open it to WebGPU compatible web browser (Chrome Canary, Brave Nightly, etc.).

e.g. : launch python3 -m http.server and open web browser to localhost:8000.

TIP: Use Live Server extension in Visual Studio Code to open the HTML file. This extension will update automatically page in real-time when you rebuild the example.
