- 0
Does zkui support ipv4/ipv6?
#20 opened by opencmit2 - 1
- 0
- 0
Does not work on Windows 2019 or 2012
#17 opened by AGirin - 3
- 1
Code errro when trying to connect to host
#16 opened by biancahoza - 1
- 3
Edit fields are not resizable
#14 opened by zalintyre - 1
- 1
Docker version?
#11 opened by neduma - 5
Installation fails in mac
#10 opened by brijeshgp - 2
- 3
- 1
Can I use python 2.X ?
#7 opened by ZhitongLei - 1
- 3
Can't click on Znode path gets no response.
#5 opened by sunnykaka - 5
Need a scroll bar in the left panel
#4 opened by sunnykaka - 0
UI top navigator bread crumb broken when the second path is a sub-string of the previous path
#3 opened by echoma - 1
Missing python module: PyYaml
#2 opened by grund1c