
This is just a little personal hobby project for me to work on creating a Symfony application from scratch.

This is not meant to be a high-traffic, crazy secure, production app. There will be likely be some hard-coded values, sub-optimal design, etc. The frontend/UI/UX will certainly not be top-notch (though I will try to improve it). The main point is to simply have a working Symfony app.

Dev Set Up

  1. Clone the repository
  2. composer install --dev to install dependencies
  3. bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to setup the database (SQLite)
  4. symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load to load test data into the database
  5. symfony server:start -d to start the web server
  6. npm install or yarn install to install webpack-encore dependencies
  7. npm run watch to start webpack-encore and recompile assets automatically