This is the project repo for the final project of the Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree: Programming a Real Self-Driving Car. For more information about the project, see the project introduction here.
- Team members
Name | Task | ||
Team Lead | kangfei | | |
Team Member 1 | Yawei Wang | | |
Team Member 2 | Yuan Xiao | | DBW Node |
Team Member 3 | Richard Wang | | Traffic light image recognition |
Team Member 4 | John Tapsell | | Overall integrator |
- ROS only works on Linux. You will need to install Ubuntu 16.04 if you want a native installation, or use the provided Docker file to run a preconfigured ROS installation on Ubuntu 16.04 inside a virtual machine on your Mac or Windows host.
- Performance really is key here. You can get a long way using the Docker image, but to really test your project on the simulator you will need a fast machine and probably a NVIDIA GPU for the traffic light recognition.
- If your ROS does not connect with the simulator try restarting ROS or the simulator. The setup is a little bit flaky.
- Simulator accepts only throttle or brake commands and not both at the same time.
40 km/h (~25 miles/h) in the simulator, 10 km/h with Carla.
Be sure that your workstation is running Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus or Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahir. Ubuntu downloads can be found here.
If using a Virtual Machine to install Ubuntu, use the following configuration as minimum:
- 2 CPU
- 2 GB system memory
- 25 GB of free hard drive space
The Udacity provided virtual machine has ROS and Dataspeed DBW already installed, so you can skip the next two steps if you are using this.
Follow these instructions to install ROS
- ROS Kinetic if you have Ubuntu 16.04.
- ROS Indigo if you have Ubuntu 14.04.
- Use this option to install the SDK on a workstation that already has ROS installed: One Line SDK Install (binary)
Download the Udacity Simulator.
Build the docker container
docker build . -t capstone # Standard non-GPU Dockerfile
# OR for GPU support, you have to install nvidia-docker. Then something like this:
nvidia-docker build . -t capstone -f Dockerfile-GPU # GPU Dockerfile based on
Run the docker file
docker run -p 4567:4567 -v $PWD:/capstone -v /tmp/log:/root/.ros/ --rm -it capstone
rosdep update
Explanation: -p 4567:4567
redirects the port, -v $PWD:/capstone
mounts your current working directory
into /capstone
inside Docker. Furthermore, -v /tmp/log:/root/.ros/
mounts the ROS home directory into
on your host machine.
Some more tips:
# in a new terminal window on your host machine, start a second bash while the Docker image is still running:
docker exec -it carnd_capstone bash
# for Mac users: enable X11 forwarding with XQuartz (must be installed)
open -a XQuartz
xhost +
docker run -p 4567:4567 -v $PWD:/capstone -v /tmp/log:/root/.ros/ --name carnd_capstone -e DISPLAY=docker.for.mac.localhost:0 --rm -it mreichelt/carnd-capstone-docker
See the X11 forwarding tips & tricks for more info.
The log files created by the Udacity simulator can easily be huge and fill up your whole disk space. This handy trick disables log file creation:
# on Linux
rm ~/.config/unity3d/Udacity/self_driving_car_nanodegree_program/Player.log
mkdir -p ~/.config/unity3d/Udacity/self_driving_car_nanodegree_program/Player.log
# on Mac
rm ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
mkdir -p ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
- Install python dependencies
cd CarND-Capstone
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Make and run styx
cd ros
source devel/
roslaunch launch/styx.launch
- Run the simulator. Untick 'Manual' for autodrive!
- Download training bag that was recorded on the Udacity self-driving car (a bag demonstraing the correct predictions in autonomous mode can be found here)
- Unzip the file
- Play the bag file
rosbag play -l traffic_light_bag_files/loop_with_traffic_light.bag
- Launch your project in site mode
cd CarND-Capstone/ros
roslaunch launch/site.launch
- Confirm that traffic light detection works on real life images
When your project submission fails the review feedback alone usually is not enough to find out what went wrong. However, Udacity will give you a bag file that contains all topics data - including logs, steering messages, raw image data, LIDAR data etc. Let's see how we can get useful info out of it!
# list all topics in a bagfile
rostopic list -b bagfile.bag
# extract topic 'roslog' into a file `roslog.csv'
rostopic echo -b bagfile.bag -p /roslog > roslog.csv
# extract all topics into multiple CSV files (takes a long time)
for topic in `rostopic list -b bagfile.bag`; do rostopic echo -p -b bagfile.bag $topic > bagfile-${topic//\//_}.csv; done
More info on
This is how you can extract the JPG images of Udacity's udacity_successful_light_detection.bag
First, we create a export.launch
file in our ros/launch/
directory, like this (note that the path
can be different for you):
<node pkg="rosbag" type="play" name="rosbag" args="-d 2 /capstone/data/udacity_successful_light_detection.bag" />
<node name="extract" pkg="image_view" type="image_saver" respawn="false" output="screen" cwd="ROS_HOME">
<remap from="image" to="image_raw" />
# make sure you have the `image-view` node installed:
apt install ros-kinetic-image-view
# export images as JPG files, they will be written to the .ros folder
roslaunch launch/export.launch
For Udacity's file you should get a lot of images named left0000.jpg
to left0569.jpg
, looking like this:
With ffmpeg installed you can make a video out of them:
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
The video will look like this.
Once you have all waypoints extracted you can visualize them. The easiest way is loading them in a Jupyter Notebook and display it with matplotlib. First you need to import the necessary libraries.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Next is reading the files extracted from the rosbag with pandas. To get the x and y values for each waypoint you have to iterate through the pandas data set and its columns. Each waypoint is split into several columns for position and orientation values. Following script iterates through the columns of one data set and stores only the values of the position in a dictionary called waypoints.
wp = pd.read_csv('bagfile_{base, final}_waypoints.csv')
waypoints = dict()
for idx, item in wp.iteritems():
if "position" in idx:
waypoint_idx = idx.split(".")[1]
result ="\d+", waypoint_idx)
idx_key = int(
if idx_key not in waypoints:
waypoints[idx_key] = dict()
waypoints[idx_key][idx[-1]] = item.values[0]
# create lists for matplotlib
xs = []
ys = []
for idx, wp in base_waypoints.iteritems():
Depending on what you want to plot you have to read other waypoints, the current position, or when DBW was engaged respectively disengaged.
Lastly you need to plot the values.
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [16, 16]
p1 = plt.plot([xs[0]], [ys[0]], 'ko', ms=10.0)
p2 = plt.plot(xs, ys, 'go', ms=5.)
p4 = plt.plot(final_xs, final_ys, 'c', ms=5.0)
p5 = plt.plot(current_xs, current_ys, 'r', lw=5.0)
p3 = plt.plot([current_xs[0]], [current_ys[0]], 'ko', ms=15.0)
p6 = plt.plot(dbw_enabled_x, dbw_enabled_y, 'gx', ms=20.0, mew=10.0)
p7 = plt.plot(dbw_disabled_x, dbw_disabled_y, 'rx', ms=20.0, mew=10.0)
plt.xlabel("X", fontsize=10)
plt.ylabel("Y", fontsize=10)
plt.legend((p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0], p5[0], p6[0], p7[0]), ('first base_waypoint', 'base_waypoints', 'final_waypoints', 'current position', 'first current position', 'dbw enabled', 'dbw disabled'), loc=0)
This will result in an image similar to following:
ROS comes with rviz, a tool to display the recorded video and LiDAR data.
Note: This requires a native Ubuntu installation or a VM with UI! It will not work within a Docker image. The main reason behind this is that OpenGL acceleration does not work.
To manually start it you have to launch the ros core
first, for example with roslaunch launch/site_test.launch
You should execute the command in a different terminal.
# start rviz without configuration file
rosrun rviz rviz
# start rviz with Udacity's configuration
rosrun rviz rviz -d launch/udacity.rviz
# start rviz with video and lidar only configuration
rosrun rviz rviz -d launch/video_lidar_only.rviz
Configuration Files:
Aside from manually running rviz each time, you can implement it in your launch files.
Just add the following line to a suitable launch file, for example site_test.launch
Preferable somewhere at the beginning to have it up and running before ROS is completely started.
<!-- rviz node with video and lidar only config -->
<node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="my_rviz" args="-d $(find styx)../../launch/video_lidar_only.rviz"/>
Example launch file: site_test_rviz.launch
Make sure to copy the configuration file to the correct place (ros/launch/video_lidar_only.rviz
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