
Show execution time for long commands in zsh

Primary LanguageShell


Plugin that output time: xx after long commands and export ZSH_COMMAND_TIME variable for usage in your scripts.

It similar builin feature REPORTTIME, but it outputs only if user + system time >= REPORTTIME in config. For example:

$ time sleep 3
sleep 3  0,00s user 0,00s system 0% cpu 3,008 total

Sleep don't consume any cpu time and REPORTTIME "don't see" such idle commands.

If you need to monitor only cpu-angry commands, use REPORTTIME instead this plugin.

Install with antigen

antigen bundle popstas/zsh-command-time

Install for oh-my-zsh


git clone https://github.com/popstas/zsh-command-time.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/command-time

And add command-time to plugins in .zshrc.


You can override defaults in .zshrc:

# If command execution time above min. time, plugins will not output time.

# Message to display (set to "" for disable).
ZSH_COMMAND_TIME_MSG="Execution time: %s sec"

Usage with powerlevel9k theme

You should not want to use this plugin with powerlevel9k. Sinse powerlevel9k v0.6.0 theme have native segment command_execution_time (see PR), so you can just add it to your prompt:

POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=(status background_jobs vcs command_execution_time time)

If you still want to use it with powerlevel9k, add custom element in .zshrc:


And add element custom_command_time to your prompt:

POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=(status background_jobs vcs custom_command_time time)

Provision with ansible

Plugin command-time included in ansible role viasite-ansible/ansible-role-zsh with other useful plugins. Plugin excluded from viasite-ansible.zsh, but you can still check role.