
PHP submission to a single project

Primary LanguagePHP

Registering via cURL using PHP

Update the following fields in signup.php to test a submission:

  • clientId
  • projectId
  • apiKey (This is the LassoUID from Lasso)
  • Any other project-specific fields (e.g., setRating, setSourceType... etc.)

Update the URL for window.location and the website tracking code in signup.html and submit.

Registrant is not in Lasso?

If the submission did not go into Lasso, look at the error console in your browser. More information about the request can be found by uncommenting the lines at the bottom of signup.php (under Troubleshooting examples) and re-trying the submission.

An example of the JSON body for submitting to Lasso is lead.json.

The POST request will need to include custom headers.

Authorization: Bearer ***apikey***
Content-Type: application/json

Once the JSON is formatted, submit leads to https://api.lassocrm.com/v1/registrants

The full API reference is available at platform.lassocrm.com/#/api.

Code What does it mean?
2xx Success - the registrant was submitted to Lasso
3xx Client status (redirection, caching... etc) - client must take additional action to complete the request
4xx Client error - bad syntax; check data in request body or headers
5xx Server error - please contact Lasso