My Default Rails Template

This is a simple Rails Template to start a new project. It is a template I use to remove those tasks a developer has to perform to set up a new project in Rails:


  • Defaults to Esbuild for JavaScript bundling
  • Asks the user for a choice of styling systems. Right now between Bootstrap or none, adding Tailwind soon
  • Defaults to minitest but if the user uses -T with rails new it will set up RSpec
    • Includes FactoryBot, Faker, Webmock, and VCR preconfigured
    • Set up Code Coverage with simplecov
  • Set up Rubocop using rubocop-rails-omakase
  • Adds code quality and security tools that can be used with bin/ci
  • Add static controller and home page
  • Configure rails generators to not generate helpers or stylesheets
  • Create postgresql database and db:migrate

Start using

Clone or fork and clone this repo:

git clone

Create a new application:

There are a few prerequisites. By defaults rails new looks in your root directory for a .railrc configuration file. Here you can place these commands, so you do not have to remember them each time. In your root home directory create .railsrc, and add the following:

-a propshaft
-j esbuild
-m ~/path/to/repo/rails_default_template/template.rb

Create new app: rails new awesome_app -T if you wish to add rspec

Bypass these settings and this template for a default rails app: rails new awesome_app --no-rc