Logback and Log4j v2 appender that suppresses messages of the same kind when they exceed a defined frequency and sends out a periodic digest of such suppressed messages.
- agileoneAgilitae Services Conseils
- aisahpA
- akaariaiFinnish National Institute for Health and Welfare
- alexeybrodAlmaty, Kazakhstan
- aneesh-joseph
- atomicknight
- balamaciRomania
- bgoodies
- daniilyarIncountry, Inc
- darioseidl
- dtpmaloneGermany
- ephemeralsnowJapan
- gaoliang@ByteDance
- ggrandesSpain
- gmsaJBay Solutions
- hblt-jhblt Virtual Network Studios
- jzabroskiBoston, MA
- karstengreschEurope, Berlin
- lispkingAlibaba
- php-coderNovosibirsk, Russia
- poornerdPorter Consulting
- rnella01
- sanjaydatasciencedojo
- sepe81Germany, Leipzig
- tamasnet
- thammerl@SemanticlabsGmbH
- theiglVienna
- usultisWrocław, Poland
- wanghy6503
- waymedevIn the Air
- zeroro88