Prime-flixx is a web application that allows users to browse and interact with movie data from The Movie Database (TMDb) API. Users can view a list of movies on the home page, click on a movie to see its details, add movies to their favorites, and view their favorite movies on a dedicated favorites page.
- Browse a list of movies from TMDb API.
- Click on a movie to view its details, including title, overview, release date, and more.
- Add movies to your favorites list.
- View your favorite movies on a dedicated favorites page.
Before you start, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
- Node.js: Download and install Node.js from
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd prime-flixx
npm install
To configure the application to work with the TMDb API, you need to obtain an API key. Follow these steps:
Visit the TMDb website and sign up for an account.
After signing in, go to your account settings and navigate to the "API" section.
Create a new API key for your project. Make sure you have read access for movies.
Copy the API key and let's do it...