
IntelliJ Plugin for Ceylon

Primary LanguageCeylonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ Join the chat at https://gitter.im/ceylon/ceylon-ide-intellij Build Status

This project is an IntelliJ IDEA-based IDE for the Ceylon programming language.

Ceylon IDE


This plugin is developed against IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2, but is compatible with 2016.1+. It works with both Community and Ultimate editions, and also supports Android Studio 2.x.

The plugin includes a full embedded distribution of Ceylon, so you don't necessarily have to download and install Ceylon separately.


Release packages are made available in the JetBrains plugins repository. Installable archives of the current development version are generated and made available in an alternate plugin repository, on a regular basis (see below).

You can install Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ from a repository, or build it from source.

Common prerequisites

The following software must be installed:

Install stable version from the JetBrains repository

This is the simplest way to install stable versions of Ceyon IDE for IntelliJ.

Inside the IDE, go to Preferences > Plugins > Browse repositories... and type Ceylon, then install the plugin named Ceylon IDE.

Install from the Development plugin repository

This is the simplest way to install development versions of Ceyon IDE for IntelliJ.

Inside the Intellij IDEA environment, follow these instructions to add one of the following custom repository URLs. From the repository, you will be able to install a plugin named 'Ceylon IDE'. After installing the plugin and restarting IntelliJ IDEA, you will have the ability to create Ceylon IntelliJ modules in which you can develop and run Ceylon code.

Development builds are published irregularly to this repository:


Nightly builds are published here:


Build and install from sources

  1. Clone ceylon and other required dependencies from Git:

     git clone https://github.com/ceylon/ceylon.git
     cd ceylon
     ant setup-sdk setup-ide

    This will clone sibling projects including ../ceylon-sdk, ../ceylon-ide-common, and ../ceylon-ide-intellij.

  2. Create a file ../ceylon-ide-intellij/user-build.properties and add the following line so that it points to your IntelliJ installation:

  3. From the ceylon directory, build the Ceylon distribution, SDK, and Ceylon IDE:

     ant dist sdk intellij
  4. Inside IntelliJ, go to 'Preferences ... > Plugins' and click 'Install plugin from disk...', select ../ceylon-ide-intellij/out/installation-packages/CeylonIDEA.zip.

  5. Enjoy coding Ceylon in IntelliJ!

Hack the IDE

If you want to debug or hack this plugin, you'll need to build it from sources.

  1. Make sure you're using IntelliJ 2016.2. A clone of https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community is highly recommended for hacking since you will likely have to debug code from the IntelliJ platform

  2. Go to 'Preferences ... > Plugins', and ensure that the following plugins are installed and enabled in your IDEA instance:

    • Plugin DevKit,
    • UI Designer,
    • PsiViewer (optional but recommended)
  3. Clone ceylon and other required dependencies from Git:

     git clone https://github.com/ceylon/ceylon.git
     cd ceylon
     ant setup-sdk setup-ide

    This will clone sibling projects including ../ceylon-sdk, ../ceylon-ide-common, and ../ceylon-ide-intellij.

  4. Edit ../ceylon-ide-intellij/user-build.properties and change the following line so that it points to your IntelliJ installation:

     ideaRoot=/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2 CE.app/Contents/
  5. Build the Ceylon distribution, SDK, and Ceylon IDE. In the directory ../ceylon, type:

     ant dist sdk intellij

    This will create a dist sub-directory in ../ceylon/dist, with a full Ceylon distribution, along with everything needed to build Ceylon IDE, including the Ceylon SDK, formatter, Java to Ceylon converter, ceylon-ide-common, and Ceylon IDE itself. (See these more detailed instructions if necessary.)

  6. Open the project ceylon-ide-intellij in IDEA. When the IDE shows a tooltip indicating "Frameworks detected: Ceylon framework is detected in the project", do not click on Configure, the project is already correctly configured. You might be requested to enter the value of two path variables. Go to 'Preferences ... > Appearance & Behavior > Path Variables', and add a variable named CEYLON_DIST pointing to ../ceylon/dist/dist.

  7. In the IDE's 'Preferences ... > Editor > File Types', under 'Recognized File Types', register *.car as an extension under the 'Archive' file type.

  8. Go to 'File > Project Structure ... > SDKs':

    • Click on the + icon and add a new 'JDK' pointing to a Java SDK 1.8
    • Click on the + icon and add a new 'IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK' pointing to the location of your IntelliJ installation (the correct folder should be preselected)

    Now, in the 'File > Project Structure ... > Project' section:

    • Set the 'Project SDK' to the previously created IntelliJ plugin SDK
    • Set the 'Project language level' to 7.0
    • Set the 'Project compiler output' to the ./out directory

    Apply these changes and close the 'Project Structure' dialog.

  9. In 'Run > Edit configurations', create a new run configuration with type 'Plugin' and leave the default options. Run this configuration to test the IDE.

Getting started

To create and run your first project in Ceylon IDE for IntelliJ, you can follow the getting started guide.