- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
[BUG] Out of Memory Exception
#451 opened by mm-mse - 0
MongoDB for SubmodelService
#434 opened by zhangzai123 - 3
- 1
- 1
[BUG] Wrong HTTP-Statuscode On Thumbnail Upload
#359 opened by geso02 - 1
AAS Gateway - Create Configuration Logic
#448 opened by FriedJannik - 0
Create new Component "AAS Gateway"
#447 opened by FriedJannik - 0
- 2
[BUG] The Basic Discovery Service Should Return A Cursor That Is Useful For The Subsequent Request
#422 opened by geso02 - 1
[FEATURE] MQTT Websocket transport
#435 opened by StenGruener - 3
[Question] Endpoints /shells/{aasIdentifier} and /submodels/{submodelIdentifier} returns a different JSON format than /serialization
#423 opened by JS-Aibel - 3
[BUG] Deletion of an AAS from the AAS Registry via aas-gui:v2 is not working
#432 opened by oliverbusch - 5
[BUG] File Upload is not working
#433 opened by oliverbusch - 0
Filtering of elements at backend only
#437 opened by mdanish98 - 0
Filter options for AAS/SM/CD with Authorization
#436 opened by mdanish98 - 0
Registry-Integration Component: Implement MongoDB
#430 opened by FriedJannik - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
[BUG] Registration of newly uploaded AASes within registry not working for nginx setup
#409 opened by barthchristian - 7
- 1
[BUG] 1 Keycloak for two environments
#421 opened by gerberm-at-msg - 1
[BUG] basyx-dashboard-api with ARM64
#401 opened by gerberm-at-msg - 0
- 0
Implement Reference Endpoint
#418 opened by aaronzi - 0
- 0
Thread-Safe implementation of the *InMemoryBackends
#416 opened by aaronzi - 12
[BUG] Keycloak does not run in virtual machine
#387 opened by gerberm-at-msg - 2
[BUG] same Submodel Reference can be applied to same AAS again without throwing 409 (already exists)
#373 opened by merlinseela - 1
[BUG] Strange bug with Submodel Repository POST API when enabling MQTT eventing
#389 opened by de-ich - 0
MQTT for SubmodelService
#415 opened by aaronzi - 0
- 0
Set File name when downloading Files from an File SME
#412 opened by aaronzi - 0
Write a test suite for FileRepository
#413 opened by aaronzi - 2
- 1
[BUG] SubmodelElementRepository: Integer Value For Property Can't Be Used For Patching
#403 opened by geso02 - 5
- 0
Add comments to .properties files to not change port config when using with docker
#411 opened by aaronzi - 0
Refactor Registry Integration to allow Distribution
#410 opened by aaronzi - 3
Any working example .aasx file?
#402 opened by emareg - 0
- 1
- 0
[BUG] Posting A SubmodelElement On SubmodelElementRepository Does Not Return A Response Body
#398 opened by geso02 - 4
[BUG] AAS-ENV fails to start with milestone-03 - identical config to milestone-02
#378 opened by gerberm-at-msg - 3
[BUG] Error creating bean with name 'simpleAasRepositoryFactory' (aas-environment, 2.0.0-milestone-03)
#376 opened by logmanoriginal - 1
[BUG] ValueOnly-Serialization in JSON does not respect valueTypes (2.0.0-milestone-03)
#384 opened by koelpins