- 3
- 8
(4.0.x) Response encoding not stored in the ext context session (possible spec violation?)
#5543 opened by TomasHofman - 0
DateTimeConverter appears lenient on java.time types
#5541 opened by BalusC - 1
cc.attrs cannot be passed to nested composite (OWB)
#5515 opened by aleshi - 1
- 8
- 8
Endless loop in MultiViewHandler.normalizeRequestURI
#5525 opened by pdudits - 1
Duplicate component ID for PrimeFaces tree component when using jakarta.faces.PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING=false
#5536 opened by jOlliv - 5
Optional issue in EL
#5531 opened by hantsy - 3
[Scope]Map#containsKey() doesn't check if key is present but only if value is non-null
#5530 opened by BalusC - 3
- 2
- 14
- 15
Dynamic actions not correctly processed
#5445 opened by fanste - 1
4.0.x: Cannot remove component dynamically from the tree
#5522 opened by vonnai - 1
HtmlResponseWriter typo or bug?
#5517 opened by pizzi80 - 2
FaceletViewHandlingStrategy handleRenderException log exception before rethrow
#5449 opened by pizzi80 - 6
resetValues=true not working in Mojarra 4.0+
#5513 opened by maqjav - 2
Can't obtain default attribute value for composite component from attributes map
#5512 opened by mnyakushev - 1
h:selectOneRadio doesn't render the value of styleClass when the group attribute is specified
#5507 opened by eproffit2 - 2
- 7
SearchExpressionResolver: `@id` always uses visitTree ?
#5466 opened by melloware - 0
Faces 5.0: we need to split faces-uncompressed.js in interface and implementation
#5506 opened by BalusC - 0
5.0: new FacesMessage.Severity.SUCCESS has been added
#5489 opened by BalusC - 1
- 1
Support new resolvers from Expression Language 6
#5480 opened by arjantijms - 4
EL: Empty values converted to null in version >= 4.0.7?
#5486 opened by Toru47 - 0
- 0
5.0: f:resetValues has disappeared from vdl
#5493 opened by BalusC - 0
5.0: register EnumConverter by converter-id as well
#5495 opened by BalusC - 0
5.0: remove deprecated composite:extension
#5497 opened by BalusC - 0
- 0
- 13
Revert #5157
#5457 opened by struberg - 1
Static variables in ELUtils cause memory leaks and leaks of resolver cache between applications
#5461 opened by OndroMih - 3
Webapp fails to start with jakarta.faces.AUTOMATIC_EXTENSIONLESS_MAPPING set to true
#5483 opened by jansohn - 1
5.0: FacesMessage.Severity will be migrated to enum
#5475 opened by BalusC - 1
5.0: PhaseId will be migrated to enum
#5477 opened by BalusC - 0
Bug: API References Implementation Class
#5484 opened by volosied - 3
cc:attribute elements that have a "default" attribute can not be accessed in FacesComponent
#5482 opened by pktripathy - 1
Revert or fix #5417 and release a new 4.0.x version
#5460 opened by filipeferraz - 0
- 0
HtmlUtils#writeAttribute must follow same rules as HtmlUtils#writeUnescapedTextForXML when writing for partial response
#5464 opened by BalusC - 1
U+FFFE and U+FFFF characters can block JSF applications by rendered as ajax response
#5463 opened by halcsi19790320 - 5
Remove dependencies on SOAP web servcies
#5451 opened by lprimak - 7
- 2
Programmatic View with UIOutput
#5452 opened by melloware - 11
Support for Quarkus
#5442 opened by arjantijms - 2
- 2
jakarta.faces.ViewState as GET parameter
#5444 opened by pizzi80