
h:commandButton change the rendering to html button instead of input

pizzi80 opened this issue · 2 comments

Why not render the html <button type="submit" /> tag instead of the <input type="submit" />

Also the name "commandButton" suggests that a button will be rendered
like the "commandLink" renders an html "link" (anchor)

eventually the input type submit could be rendered
on a new component ... something like
<h:command /> or <h:submit />

This is already set in stone since JSF 1.0 spec. Rather open an issue in jakartaee/faces. I looked around there and found that this was previously already requested: jakartaee/faces#1018

I'm not sure why input is chosen instead of button, I wasn't involved in the JSF 1.0 works.

Thanks for the reply,

I commented on the issue in the Faces API, even if it seems like an abandoned ticket...

Someone commented that it would be implemented in JSF 2.3
but I think that's been completely forgotten

I don't know what the procedure is to get it reconsidered ...