
Faces API 5.0 and Mojarra master

Closed this issue · 1 comments

After the split of Faces API I'm not sure how it's better
to locally build/install Mojarra snapshot
and how to contribute with PR to the master

May someone create a release or pre-release or whatever of 4.1 and or 5.0 ?

I've made a lot of changes in my fork and I would like to align
and make some PR to the master one day, but at the moment I'm stuck
in the middle of nowhere

Yes there were a bunch of things off. We've fixed this via:

Now it works again.

To be clear, current build procedure is:

  1. Checkout 5.0 branch of
  2. CD into api module.
  3. mvn clean install -Pstaging
  4. Checkout master branch of
  5. mvn clean install -Pstaging
  6. Now you can use it; coordinates are as follows:

Noted should be that GF8 as used by TCK currently refuses to start with Mojarra 5.0.0. This will be worked on.

Note that -Pstaging is only necessary when the pom happens to reference JEE dependencies not yet in Maven Central. If you don't want to use -Pstaging every time, then add this to your ~/.m2/settings.xml:

	<snapshots />