Paho C MQTT-SN gateway and libraries for embedded systems. Paho is an Eclipse IoT project.
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PUBLISH with QoS Level -1 not working
#265 opened by Chris-42 - 3
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MQTT-SN Gateway crashing when enabling QoS-1 with the error "Max number of Clients"
#263 opened by bySimpson - 3
Make file issue in MQTTSNGateway
#273 opened by Speedster42 - 1
- 0
- 0
When subscribing to a wildcard topic the SUBACK responds with msg-id == 0x00
#266 opened by campescassiano - 2
Gateway assigns non-zero topic ID for wildcard topics
#221 opened by vera - 0
ClientID not updated for known clients at CONNECT
#264 opened by dapeda42 - 1
Ping Response Resolver in mqttsn client
#243 opened by nikhil1983 - 1
Inconsistent short topic types
#255 opened by JochenWilhelmyTomTom - 0
LoginID Еrror
#261 opened by martin9115 - 0
MQTT-SN Gateway on Win 7 ?
#258 opened by martin9115 - 0
MQTT-SNGateway error
#257 opened by martin9115 - 0
DTLS support for mqtt-sn client
#256 opened by mailych - 18
No Gateway found when enabling Authentication
#242 opened by nikhil30081995 - 0
Multicast hop not properly setted
#250 opened by agalliazzo - 2
TLS has two issues - bad string in gateway.conf and unable to use TLS after fixing conf issue
#231 opened by MBakerParagon - 2
The build not works with dtls6
#249 opened by cesarjorgemartinez - 2
MQTT-SNGateway - MQTT Publish Message missing corresponding MQTT-SN Topic ID when sending to MQTT-SN client
#246 opened by alfredoant3 - 19
Known client unable to connect
#234 opened by saumilsdk - 2
Gateway: DTLS with PSK support
#244 opened by sonny82 - 2
dtls branch has bugs.
#241 opened by ty4tw - 7
Add DTLS support for paho.mqtt-sn
#227 opened by mailych - 1
Looks like a typo (keyDirctory --> keyDirectory)
#240 opened by krutztq - 3
TLS hostname bypass
#233 opened by saumilsdk - 0
gateway: wrong topic id returned in PUBACK
#238 opened by aurel32 - 3
- 1
Crash (segmentation fault) when getaddrinfo fails
#229 opened by vera - 1
Client reconnection to Gateway
#218 opened by aplak1 - 1
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Suspicious code in MQTTSNGWPacket.cpp
#219 opened by osaether - 1
Memory leak with ssl and client cleanup
#220 opened by Oakrie - 1
Aggregater Gw is not fully done ?
#215 opened by aymanalzubair - 3
Timeout not handled correctly
#214 opened by Jochen0x90h - 2
some compile issues
#239 opened by vortex314 - 2
Gateway hungs on enabling QOS-1-YES
#204 opened by saumilsdk - 1
Use unsigned data type in MQTTSNLenString
#206 opened by a1lu - 2
Doubled initialization?
#232 opened by a1lu - 1
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Need support for DTLS for secured communication
#224 opened by saumilsdk - 1
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Error: Invalid MsgId publishing a message
#223 opened by frabarba - 0
Authenticated Messages
#216 opened by bartremans - 2
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Is there something wrong with the gateway?
#203 opened by kevin0598 - 1
[Question] How to configure a forwarder?
#208 opened by alexiordan - 8
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How can i add broker user and broker password?
#202 opened by kevin0598 - 4
Can i add RF network at this Gateway?
#201 opened by kevin0598