
UPM - SWIG 4.0 - .NET Core 2.1 C# - arm64v8

IvanFarkas opened this issue · 3 comments

Would it be possible to include SWIG 4.0 to generate .NET Core 2.1 C# to use UPM on arm64v8, please?
Has anything done in this area?
If not, how can I help, please?

Currently being discussed on MRAA's issue tracker here.

Yes. That's me too :-)

I updated my IvanFarkas/dotnetcore-arm-swig GitHub repo with the help I received from @richlander and @Petermarcu at Microsoft.
It works great now using the new arm64 .NET Core 2.1 runtime.

I'd like to know how we can work together to provide C# SWIG interface for MRAA and UPM, please?
With that in place, a C# .NET Core 2.1 app and an Azure IoT Edge module can access IoT sensors, actuators through the MRAA and UPM libraries. Exiting!