
JRE 1.8.0 compatibility and package

Opened this issue · 4 comments

The DatagramReader and DatagramWriter classes use ByteToCharConverter, CharToByteConverter and ConversionBufferFullException from the package. These were deprecated in favour of java.nio.charset, and have been removed from JRE 1.8.0

As far as I can see, this is the only coding issue in the way of fully supporting 1.8.0 JREs (the remaining issues are just questions of getting the Execution Environments and build paths consistent).

This note is just for the record: I am not in a hurry for a fix, and I can work around this issue.

how did you workaround?

Interested to know how did you workaround.

@jinyanghuang @gsongcap I am afraid that I can no longer find the modifications to the code that I made at the time, sorry. I never produced anything based on Passerelle at the time, I was just experimenting. As I remember, I recoded the DatagramReader and DatagramWriter classes to use classes from the java.nio.charset instead. It wasn't hard.

You should be aware though that the open-source Paserelle is not being actively maintained any longer. You may like to consider switching to is successor product Triquetrum, part of Eclipse Science.

@erwindl0 Can you suggest a good place to start for information about Triquetrum? Much of the Eclipse Foundation website seems to be non-functioning (or hacked?) at the moment. is working, but the "Projects" link gets a 404