
Example Repository for Deployments

Primary LanguageGo


This repository contains a simple web application that does the same thing in the following languages,

The following tasks will gauge an applicants ability to understand the application and how to run and deploy it in containerized environments. It is understood that there are multiple ways to achieve these tasks and there is no one-size-fits all approach.

Any language, including the examples, may be used.

How to Use This Repository

  • Clone this repository and add it to your Github profile (do not fork)
  • Make changes, add files to complete the following tasks
    • Include command examples in-line in this README under each task.
    • commit and push changes
  • When completed, send cloned repository link

Task 1

Run the app locally using and demonstrate how to use the web application.

Task 2

Run the app locally within Docker or other container engine.

Task 3

Run the app using docker-compose, or other container deployment framework, with nginx or other web server as a reverse proxy to the application.


Additional tasks to further show mastery of application deployments and understanding.