
Set application variables for the development, test, and production environments

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Turf lets you control the value of variables in different environments and makes it easy to override values locally. It's easy to set speak_in_chat to true when RAILS_ENV equals "production" and false otherwise. Turf is similar to the Rails secrets.yml file, but more powerful because it can execute Ruby code and return arrays, hashes, etc.

How it works

Turf looks for methods in the following order:

  1. The Turf::Local class.
  2. The Turf::Test, Turf::Development, or Turf::Production class. Turf uses the development environment by default, but this can be overridden by setting RAILS_ENV to "production" or "test".
  3. The Turf::Default class.

I recommend defining the Turf classes in the /config/turf directory.


ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "production"

class Turf::Local
  def something
    "something in local"

class Turf::Development
  def blah
    "blah in development"

class Turf::Production
  def something
    "something in production"

  def blah
    "blah in production"

class Turf::Default
  def four
    2 + 2

# Turf::Local is the first place Turf looks for a
# matching method
Turf.something # => "something in local"

# The RAILS_ENV is set to production, so Turf looks
# in Turf::Production second if the method is not
# found in Turf::Local
# Turf::Development is ignored in production
Turf.blah # => "blah in production"

# Turf::Default is the last place to look
Turf.four # => 4

# Turf raises an exception when it can't find
# a matching method
Turf.hi_there # => raises an exception


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'turf'

Require turf:

require 'turf'

Suggested Setup

Include the Turf setup rake task in your project's Rakefile:

load "tasks/setup.rake"

Run the rake task to create the classes in your project:

bundle exec rake turf:setup

Require all the files in the /lib/#{project_name}.rb file:

require_relative "../config/turf/default.rb"

def require_all(pattern)
  Dir.glob("#{Turf.root}/#{pattern}/**/*.rb").sort.each { |path| require path }


Set the RAILS_ENV to "develoment" at the top of the /lib/#{project_name}.rb file:

ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= "development"

Set the RAILS_ENV to "test" in the spec_helper.rb file:

ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test'

Set the RAILS_ENV to production on the remote host.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/MrPowers/turf.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.