- 0
problem of key
#297 opened by ubikhan123 - 12
Class completion destroys trailing markup
#278 opened by AnrDaemon - 0
Not working on PHP script
#285 opened by meethasan - 0
Html and css formatter
#295 opened by mont-y-001 - 1
Work with Astro?
#288 opened by adleviton - 0
- 0
not woriking some time
#293 opened by nivedmk15 - 0
html css is snippets
#287 opened by C4lie - 3
Intelisense Not Working
#269 opened by shiva-shankar22 - 0
ability to set css.enabledLanguages property in "./vscode/setting.json" or in the ".workspace" file
#286 opened by snicr - 19
Completion stops working when switched to a profile based on Angular template
#284 opened by NeuSandeZ - 6
Autocomplete not working for CSS or Bootstrap
#283 opened by jonathonpday - 1
realative link is not working
#279 opened by Amritesh2601 - 1
Why not add save verification
#281 opened by abliger - 6
autocompletion not working
#280 opened by justingallant1988 - 9
v1.14.1 Suddenly Stopped Working
#277 opened by danielgesua - 10
Nested selectors highlighting
#276 opened by jrom99 - 1
Prerequisites for template inheritance?
#260 opened by truckee - 0
Getting issue while using some extension
#231 opened by Ashu-1309 - 0
CSS Variable is not shown in Intellisense
#232 opened by alpersunter - 1
Pug CSS intellisense doesn't work after version 0.2.3
#251 opened by rev1204 - 0
a class after variable not avaiable
#244 opened by CMQNordic - 1
Property Tag is not supported
#245 opened by fschatbot - 4
- 1
Theme colors may be added
#255 opened by DeznekCZ - 0
pseudo-classes and pseudo elements
#262 opened by zijid - 0
CSS: SVG 2 not recognized
#227 opened by TomTruyen - 1
conflict with Django v1.10.0
#271 opened by MajidHakimi - 1
.erb files not working
#274 opened by finnove - 0
live server
#265 opened by mohityadav8600 - 0
live server
#266 opened by mohityadav8600 - 0
css.styleSheets 配置
#238 opened by 132liyh - 2
#228 opened by Abhishay - 3
link "css.styleSheets" to several css files or dir
#243 opened by CMQNordic - 1
change Activation Events from * to onStartupFinished
#256 opened by tjx666 - 1
IntelliSense Not Working
#263 opened by cj1289 - 0
- 1
HTML end tag not coming automatically
#272 opened by DARKSKD - 1
Images in another folder
#273 opened by Rikutamika - 1
css not
#275 opened by murali23113 - 0
#268 opened by dene14 - 0
- 1
markdown headings error on symlink: `!!MISSING: command!! | !!MISSING: command!! `
#258 opened by scarf005 - 0
press f12 does not show css styles in react
#253 opened by GioZhorzholiani3 - 5
#254 opened by malaquro - 1
Issue with the HTML CSS Support Extension
#249 opened by gssakash - 1
Consider on-boarding to VS Code Sponsorship
#247 opened by isidorn - 0
Turn it into a language server?
#241 opened by jcs090218 - 1
cant make it work with svelte
#242 opened by demetrius-mp - 0
live server
#234 opened by MaitriManiya