This project contains the Abs. neural abstractive summarization system from the paper
A Neural Attention Model for Abstractive Summarization.
Alexander M. Rush, Sumit Chopra, Jason Weston.
The release includes code for:
- Extracting the summarization data set
- Training the neural summarization model
- Constructing evaluation sets with ROUGE
- Tuning extractive features
To run the system, you will need to have Torch7) and fbcunn (Facebook's deep learning library) installed. You will also need Python 2.7, NLTK, and GNU Parallel to run the data processing scripts. Additionally the code currently requires a CUDA GPU for training and decoding.
Finally the scripts require that you set the $ABS environment variable.
> export ABS=$PWD
> export LUA_PATH="$LUA_PATH;$ABS/?.lua"
The model is trained to perform title generation from the first line of newspaper articles. Since the system is completely data-driven it requires a large set of aligned input-title pairs for training.
To provide these pairs we use the Annotated Gigaword corpus as our main data set. The corpus is available on LDC, but it requires membership. Once the annotated gigaword is obtained, you can simply run the provided script to extract the data set in text format.
To construct the data set run the following script to produce working_dir/
where `working_dir/' is the path to the directory where you want to store the
processed data. The script '' makes use of the 'parallel'
utility, so please make sure that it is in your path.
WARNING: This may take a couple hours to run.
> ./ agiga/ working_dir/
The above command builds aligned files of the form split.type.txt where split is train/valid/test and type is title/article.
The output of the script is several aligned plain-text files. Each has one title or article per line.
> head train.title.txt
australian current account deficit narrows sharply
at least two dead in southern philippines blast
australian stocks close down #.# percent
envoy urges north korea to restart nuclear disablement
skorea announces tax cuts to stimulate economy
These files can be used to train the ABS system or be used by other baseline models.
Once the data set has been constructed, we provide a simple script to train the model.
./ working_dir/
The training process consists of two stages. First we convert the text files into generic input-title matrices and then we train a conditional NNLM on this representation.
Once the model has been fully trained (this may require 3-4 days), you can use the test script to produce summaries of any plain text file.w
./ working_dir/valid.article.filter.txt length_of_summary
These scripts utilize the Torch code available in $ABS/summary/
There are two main torch entry points. One for training the model from data matrices and the other for evaluating the model on plain-text.
> th summary/train.lua -help
Train a summarization model.
-articleDir Directory containing article training matrices. []
-titleDir Directory containing title training matrices. []
-validArticleDir Directory containing article matricess for validation. []
-validTitleDir Directory containing title matrices for validation. []
-auxModel The encoder model to use. [bow]
-bowDim Article embedding size. [50]
-attenPool Attention model pooling size. [5]
-hiddenUnits Conv net encoder hidden units. [1000]
-kernelWidth Conv net encoder kernel width. [5]
-epochs Number of epochs to train. [5]
-miniBatchSize Size of training minibatch. [64]
-printEvery How often to print during training. [1000]
-modelFilename File for saving loading/model. []
-window Size of NNLM window. [5]
-embeddingDim Size of NNLM embeddings. [50]
-hiddenSize Size of NNLM hidden layer. [100]
-learningRate SGD learning rate. [0.1]
The run script is used for beam-search decoding with a trained model. See the paper for a description of the extractive features used at decoding time.
> th summary/run.lua -help
-blockRepeatWords Disallow generating a repeated word. [false]
-allowUNK Allow generating <unk>. [false]
-fixedLength Produce exactly -length words. [true]
-lmWeight Weight for main model. [1]
-beamSize Size of the beam. [100]
-extractive Force fully extractive summary. [false]
-lmWeight Feature weight for the neural model. [1]
-unigramBonus Feature weight for unigram extraction. [0]
-bigramBonus Feature weight for bigram extraction. [0]
-trigramBonus Feature weight for trigram extraction. [0]
-lengthBonus Feature weight for length. [0]
-unorderBonus Feature weight for out-of-order extraction. [0]
-modelFilename Model to test. []
-inputf Input article files. []
-nbest Write out the nbest list in ZMert format. [false]
-length Maximum length of summary.. [5]
We evaluate the ABS model using the shared task from the Document Understanding Conference (DUC).
This release also includes code for interactive with the DUC shared task on headline generation. The scripts for processing and evaluating on this data set are in the DUC/ directory.
The DUC data set is available online, unfortunately you must manually fill out a form to request the data from NIST. Send the request to Angela Ellis.
After receiving credentials you should obtain a series of tar files containing the data used as part of this shared task.
Make a directory DUC_data/ which should contain the given files
>DUC2003\_Summarization\_Documents.tgz >DUC2004\_Summarization\_Documents.tgz >duc2004\_results.tgz >detagged.duc2003.abstracts.tar.gz
Run the setup script (this requires python and NLTK for tokenization)
./DUC/ DUC_data/
After running the scripts there should be directories
Each contains a file input.txt where each line is a tokenized first line of an article.
> head DUC_data/clean_2003/input.txt
schizophrenia patients whose medication could n't stop the imaginary voices in their heads gained some relief after researchers repeatedly sent a magnetic field into a small area of their brains .
scientists trying to fathom the mystery of schizophrenia say they have found the strongest evidence to date that the disabling psychiatric disorder is caused by gene abnormalities , according to a researcher at two state universities .
a yale school of medicine study is expanding upon what scientists know about the link between schizophrenia and nicotine addiction .
exploring chaos in a search for order , scientists who study the reality-shattering mental disease schizophrenia are becoming fascinated by the chemical environment of areas of the brain where perception is regulated .
As well as a set of references:
> head DUC_data/clean_2003/references/task1_ref0.txt
Magnetic treatment may ease or lessen occurrence of schizophrenic voices.
Evidence shows schizophrenia caused by gene abnormalities of Chromosome 1.
Researchers examining evidence of link between schizophrenia and nicotine addiction.
Scientists focusing on chemical environment of brain to understand schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia study shows disparity between what's known and what's provided to patients.
System output should be added to the directory system/task1_{name}.txt. For instance the script includes a baseline PREFIX system.
To evaluate the summaries you will need the ROUGE eval system.
The ROUGE script requires output in a very complex HTML form. To simplify this process we include a script to convert the simple output to one that ROUGE can handle.
Export the ROUGE directory export ROUGE={path_to_rouge}
and then run the eval scripts
> ./DUC/ DUC_data/clean_2003/
prefix ROUGE-1 Average_R: 0.17831 ( 0.16916 - 0.18736)
prefix ROUGE-1 Average_P: 0.15445 ( 0.14683 - 0.16220)
prefix ROUGE-1 Average_F: 0.16482 ( 0.15662 - 0.17318)
prefix ROUGE-2 Average_R: 0.04936 ( 0.04420 - 0.05452)
prefix ROUGE-2 Average_P: 0.04257 ( 0.03794 - 0.04710)
prefix ROUGE-2 Average_F: 0.04550 ( 0.04060 - 0.05026)
For our system ABS+ we additionally tune extractive features on the DUC
summarization data. The final features we obtained our distributed with the
system as tuning/
The MERT tuning code itself is located in the tuning/
directory. Our setup
uses ZMert for this process.
It should be straightforward to tune the system on any developments summarization data. Take the following steps to run tuning on the DUC-2003 data set described above.
First copy over reference files to the tuning directoy. For instance to tune on DUC-2003:
ln -s DUC_data/clean_2003/references/task1_ref0.txt tuning/ref.0
ln -s DUC_data/clean_2003/references/task1_ref1.txt tuning/ref.1
ln -s DUC_data/clean_2003/references/task1_ref2.txt tuning/ref.2
ln -s DUC_data/clean_2003/references/task1_ref3.txt tuning/ref.3
Next copy the SDecoder template, cp SDecoder_cmd.tpl
and modify the
to point to the model and input text.
{"model" : "",
"src" : "/data/users/sashar/DUC_data/clean_2003/input.txt",
"title_len" : 14}
Now you should be able to run Z-MERT and let it do its thing.
> cd tuning/; java -cp zmert/lib/zmert.jar ZMERT ZMERT_cfg.txt
When Z-MERT has finished you can run on new data using command:
> python input.txt