
This project contains a few example of the JAVA 8 stream APIs

Primary LanguageJava


This project contains a few example of the JAVA 8 stream APIs

Problems solved in this projects are:

  1. Filtering and printing students from the list with age more than 15 (filter)

  2. Calculating and printing the average mark of all students (map, collect, maptodouble)

  3. Making named upper case using peek function (peek)

  4. Finding min and max from a list using stream apis (min and max)

  5. Printing subjects and the number of students pursuing the subject using stream api (map, flatmap, collect)

  6. Finding the number of movies of each director (map, collect)

  7. Find the number of genres of each director's movies: Map<String(director), Map<String(genre), Long(number)>> you have movie list in hand (flatmap, collect)

Always Remember: Going through the source code can save time of going through README a several times.