Rewrite of Pub Crawler. Pub Crawler extends Annie to perform toponym recognition on PubMed Open Access Subset NXML files
PubCrawler is a tool for conducting GeoName extraction (a.k.a. toponym resolution) and aggregation on the PubMed Central Open-Access Subset (PMCOAS).
PubCrawler comprises a set of scripts in Python and R.
This assumes you have a virtualenv named pubcrawler
containing Python 3.5.2, and have installed requirements.txt
into it.
It also assumes you're running MonboDB version 3.2.7, and have started mongod
pointing at your desired dbpath
To import the PubMed Central Open Access Subset into a database, run
. This script requires that you have downloaded the selection of .nxml files you wish to import into a directory. Use the argument --pmc_path
to locate the directory.
The script will drop the collection articles
in the database pmc
and replace it with every .nxml file in every subdirectory of the specified directory, using the file basename as the _id
and the file contents as the nxml
The data/
directory isn't under version control. Find it at the Dropbox link below.
The data/dump/pmc/
directory contains a mongodump of the subset of 10000 articles which I'm going to use as I'm building the package.
Since that directory isn't being tracked, for now, it's available at this Dropbox link
There is a copy of it available in our pubcrawler bucket which can be downloaded via the command aws s3 cp s3://pubcrawler/ .
mongodump --db pmc --collection articlesubset --gzip
Restore this to a local database.
The EpiTator library requires some external datasets to do geoname and disease resolution. Use the following commands to download them.
pip install epitator
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
python -m epitator.importers.import_geonames
python -m epitator.importers.import_disease_ontology
I'm going to start mongod with mongod --fork --logpath ~/pubcrawler/mongodb.log --dbpath ~/data/db
I'll shut it down with mongod --shutdown
Mongo often throws an error number 14. To fix that:
sudo chown `whoami` /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock -x extract_disease_ontology_keywords -s meta -w 8 -c articlesubset
First I'll try:
cd pubcrawler
(The dump
is there alongside annie
and pubcrawler
nohup mongorestore --gzip &
The final command I used was:
nohup python -c articles -x extract_meta -x extract_disease_ontology_keywords -x extract_geonames -s index.meta -w 18 -b 10000 &
Remaining articles were checked with this command:
python -c articles -s index.meta