
web application for the distributed calculation of arithmetic expressions

Primary LanguageGo

Distributed Calculator

Проект Distributed Calculator - веб-приложение для создания и распределенного подсчета арифметических выражений. Творческое задание на курсе Лицея Академии Яндекса

По всем вопросам можно написать автору проекта - Kuzmin Dmitry

Стэк: Golang + React JS


How Run Project

Make file contains such commands to start a project:

  • make docker-start - starting a project (http and grpc servers)
  • make test-project - running all test for project (for some packages there are no test)

API Documentation

Server HTTP requests:

  • POST /new_expression
  • POST /new_user
  • GET /get_expression
  • GET /list_of_expressions

Use Cases

When you start a project, you can type these commands to create new user, create new expression, get expression.

Example /new_user:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "{\"login\":\"developer\", \"password\":\"password\"}" http://localhost:8080/new_user

Example /new_expression:

curl -X POST  -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "{\"value\":\"1 * 10 + 2 * 3\", \"user_id\":5}" http://localhost:8080/new_expression

Example /get_expression

curl  -X GET "http://localhost:8080/get_expression?expression_id=1"

Полная схема проекта
