- 4
#752 opened by lt1067066026 - 0
ChartProps autoresize type still incorrect
#810 opened by foxii-cn - 8
Vue provide(THEME_KEY, 'dark') 會打亂CSS
#808 opened by fattysun1121 - 5
nuxt3 vue-echarts从6.7.3升级到7.0.1报错
#801 opened by vozhuo - 14
#805 opened by lt1067066026 - 3
异步 `registerMap` 报错
#807 opened by shen-lan - 1
- 3
#803 opened by RanMaoting - 0
Click event not fired in TS project
#802 opened by filippovd - 0
ChartProps autoresize type incorrect
#800 opened by mdoesburg - 1
#799 opened by llifangyin - 2
v6.7.3 Hides Charts
#796 opened by davidkassa - 1
Unable to compile after the introduction of vitepress, error: ERR-REQUIRE-ESM
#782 opened by yqchilde - 0
#797 opened by LukerSpringtree - 3
Nuxt 3 Module
#775 opened by Celibioux - 8
- 5
vue-echart instance doesn't have off function
#788 opened by tustzdm - 2
use autoresize;When the height changes decreases, the chart is abnormal
#794 opened by zhang761750981 - 3
#789 opened by RoachLin - 3
#787 opened by Xy-Zipper - 1
- 13
#786 opened by Preyou - 2
Default ESM package
#762 opened by Shyam-Chen - 3
- 2
安装报错 Invalid response body while trying to fetch Cannot read properties of null (reading 'pickAlgorithm')
#784 opened by jiahui336 - 3
#783 opened by mcxinbaby - 1
#781 opened by Pentium286 - 1
官网的import code generator似乎不能正常工作了
#780 opened by gchxp - 1
- 9
- 1
- 4
- 1
- 1
- 1
Remove vue demi
#760 opened by zwik - 3
Zoom stops working when using graphic elements
#759 opened by mass85 - 2
- 1
MarkLine and MarkArea
#758 opened by NicolayKR - 1
Selecting an area
#757 opened by NicolayKR - 10
- 5
VChat option type are broken
#751 opened by kaine0923 - 1
vue-echarts 6.6.3 cannot render correctly
#754 opened by Jasonchang6435 - 3
#749 opened by cuijiudai - 5
- 0
import code generator and LineChart
#746 opened by marcdakar - 3
import code generator 如何使用
#744 opened by lihaozzx - 3
getInstanceByDom stopped working
#742 opened by DMOAbove - 3
echarts 的 getInstanceByDom 无法正常获取到实例
#740 opened by twt898xu - 3
Please add unit test guide.
#738 opened by myan9527 - 3
Inner label for pie chart is overlap, logic ignore avoidLabelOverlap and hideOverlap = true
#737 opened by lpfy