
Demo code from my session at Oredev 2013

Primary LanguageScheme

30 NuGet Packages in 50 Minutes Session Demo Code

This is the code from the demo of the "30 NuGet Packages in 50 Minutes" that I did at Oredev 2013.

You can watch the video at http://t.co/e9dttFkJQY.

NuGet packages used in this demo app

  • Ensure.That - simplifies defensive programming
  • FluentDateTime - DateTime objects are fun again
  • Roslyn - C# compiler APIs (and much more!)
  • IronRuby - ruby interpreter
  • IronPython - python interpreter
  • Jurassic - javascript interpreter
  • YouTubeExtractor - get youtube videos data and files
  • RazorTemplates - razor as a template engine from C#
  • ini-parser - read and write INI files
  • EPPlus - work with Excel from C#
  • GeorgeCloney - deep clone objects
  • Humanizer - Make enum values readable to humans
  • CsvHelper - read and write CSVs
  • DotNetZip - read and write ZIP files
  • Newtonsoft.JSON - read/write objects from/to JSON
  • iTextSharp - work with PDFs from C#
  • ObjectDumper - dump objects into strings
  • lolspeak - LOLize strings
  • IronScheme - Scheme implementation
  • Dapper - a small ORM
  • DapperExtension - makes Dapper even better!
  • Inflector - plurlaize, singularize strings...
  • ncalc - interpret math expressions