- 3
Replace `os.path` with `pathlib`
#179 opened by trag1c - 11
-e/--exclude doesn't work with pre-commit
#60 opened by valentincalomme - 2
Using interrogate as Sphinx extension
#165 opened by Paebbels - 0
Port docs to Markdown/MyST
#176 opened by econchick - 3
Quality of docstr
#156 opened by estahn - 0
- 2
Property deleter not being ignored
#126 opened by ts-mk - 2
Don't require `toml` on Python 3.11
#150 opened by pawelad - 2
Interrogate fails on certain pyproject.toml due to incorrect parsing by toml library
#153 opened by apirogov - 1
- 1
Error: Option '--verbose' does not take a value.
#142 opened by bluppfisk - 1
re.error: nothing to repeat at position 0
#124 opened by Charlie-Root - 4
New release?
#164 opened by woodruffw - 1
"exclude" does not exclude files if passed in via args
#155 opened by estahn - 3
- 4
Add `ignore-typing-overload` option
#152 opened by barseghyanartur - 0
Output format "markdown"
#154 opened by estahn - 3
Pre-commit hook
#162 opened by ericmjl - 2
Option to ignore overloaded functions
#97 opened by ErwinJunge - 1
-I doesn't work with pre-commit
#100 opened by lorenzomammana - 0
Add Interrogate icon to simple-icons library
#151 opened by yosefmaru - 1
- 0
- 1
- 2
`--fail-under` not working with float
#114 opened by epassaro - 1
- 0
- 1
Does interrogate check google style docstrings?
#120 opened by jgarte - 0
Python Match|Case no support?
#121 opened by TheRealVizard - 0
-o, --output flag doesn't create output directory for log file if it doesn't exist already
#106 opened by GlenNicholls - 1
- 8
Support skip comment markup like # noqa
#41 opened by profgav - 0
- 4
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 3
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
When Total=0 and Miss=0 I would expect the result to be SUCCESS rather than FAILED
#50 opened by JulienLajugie - 0
- 3
[BUG] Exclude paths not os independent
#51 opened by s-weigand - 2
- 0
Feature Request: Add sloth icon to badge
#48 opened by s-weigand - 4
- 2
Feature Request: ability to ignore property methods decorated with *@property*
#37 opened by jeremywitte - 2
- 2