
This repo serves as a reference for interacting with the Econia protocol via Typescript / React. The patterns used here are mainly built on top of Hippo's move-to-ts library.

Getting Started

You will need NodeJS and yarn.

Install npm dependencies


Start the app locally on localhost:3000

yarn start

Build the app for production

yarn build


There are two main customizations.

  1. If the @econia address is different from the one generated in src/sdk, you will likely want to regenerate src/sdk for that @econia address OR edit the constant directly in src/constants. Don't forget to update ECONIA_SIMULATION_KEYS and ORDER_BOOKS_ADDR (the @econia resource account).
  2. You will likely want to change INTEGRATOR_ADDR so that you can receive a portion of the taker fees.

Project organization

A good starting point is to look at src/AppRoutes.tsx. This file will take you to each page on the app. You can also find all the pages under the src/pages directory.

If you are looking for something more specific, here is a more granular breakdown:

  • src/assets contains logos / icons
  • src/components contains common components like buttons, dropdowns, inputs...
  • src/hooks contains many async IO functionality. Many of these hooks fetch on-chain data and send transactions.
  • src/layout contains common UI wrappers
  • src/pages contains each page of the app
  • src/sdk contains move-to-ts generated code for econia, econia-wrappers, and aptos-faucet
  • src/types contains custom Typescript declarations and common types
  • src/utils contains common utilities


You can also find the Move contracts used for the testnet faucet under the aptos-faucet directory.