Some check_mk checks I've created
We created these for our use case, feel free to suggest improvements!
Install the agent on the asterisk server and throw the "asterisk" plugin into /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins/ (or wherever your distro has that folder).
The Billion checks have been tested against a 7800VDOX.
The Barracuda checks have been tested against a virtual spam firewall - so I didn't bother with any of the physical hardware metrics.
I have used this check against a VMWare VDP appliance, which appears to be Suse Linux underneath. The agent plugin just runs a psql query, formats it nicely, and then adds it to the check_mk-agent output.
Temperature and humidity monitoring via an APC Environmental Monitoring Unit using SNMP.
I use OMD, which means I place these files in the individual sites, eg "/omd/sites/sitename/local/share/check_mk/checks"
Any of the pnp-templates go in "/omd/sites/sitename/local/share/check_mk/pnp-templates"