- 2
[mason-lspconfig.nvim] Server "tsserver" is not a valid
#183 opened by yswa-var - 0
Error on insert mode
#184 opened by Nespisnikersni - 4
error while installing
#180 opened by sajidali2444 - 3
telescope search not work
#146 opened by AlucPro - 4
- 1
cursor word return error when open binary file
#178 opened by destngx - 5
Alternative for null-ls?
#156 opened by alfredosdpiii - 1
Formatter not working in file .vue
#164 opened by jphonda - 1
ts_context_commentstring/internal.lua:135 error
#171 opened by jayaadeep11 - 1
Switching between buffers
#177 opened by BeanDx - 3
Auto format when saving
#175 opened by al77ex1 - 1
- 0
nvim-navic error
#176 opened by Voyts - 4
Copilot - Codeium
#165 opened by gmdevz - 0
Need Update
#168 opened by Ya2gLu - 2
Argument must be positive exception
#167 opened by solomancode - 2
`indent-blanklink` has deprecated settings
#166 opened by Pkcarreno - 3
Formatter not working properly
#163 opened by Charly-T - 1
nvim-lsp-file-operations Lazy spec
#161 opened by doctorfree - 2
Issue right after install
#158 opened by Antonio-Rocchia - 2
- 3
MasonLog: Installation failed for Package(name=html-lsp) error=spawn: npm failed with exit code 1 and signal 0.
#157 opened by zerrol - 1
- 0
Ecovim in the Lazyman Neovim Configuration Manager
#136 opened by doctorfree - 2
Tsserver doesn't work properly
#149 opened by szoradigeza - 0
Solve the problem of ‘gcc' comment mapping not work.
#154 opened by Ya2gLu - 1
why does it hide the imports?
#152 opened by peteblank - 3
how can i open the folder structure
#139 opened by bedirhangull - 2
Codeium Auth
#151 opened by al77ex1 - 3
Ecovim initialization with Lazyman hangs
#145 opened by doctorfree - 4
Plugin telescope and neoai not working in v3.5.1
#144 opened by al77ex1 - 3
Plugin comment.nvim not working
#140 opened by al77ex1 - 3
A problem with Copilot
#143 opened by al77ex1 - 1
BufferCloseAllButCurrent not working
#141 opened by al77ex1 - 1
Error with "treesitter" plugin after installation.
#142 opened by al77ex1 - 1
How to cancel the diagnosis of eslint?
#130 opened by oldqin97 - 4
Inconsistent highlight!
#131 opened by H4ckint0sh - 7
ESLint ENOENT error
#114 opened by kecerud - 3
barbar.nvim throwing deprecated errors
#137 opened by sajayprakash - 2
Error in Autocommands
#134 opened by alfredosdpiii - 1
Incomplete nvim-treesitter.config for frontend
#135 opened by Suryansh7058 - 1
disable syntax highlighting
#126 opened by RigottiG - 10
- 10
- 1
My icons are gibberished.
#127 opened by gefeiyanga - 3
how active plugins in lazy ?
#125 opened by RigottiG - 1
sumneko_lua (deprecated)
#124 opened by Badhan-abhishek - 0
#122 opened by Badhan-abhishek - 1
- 4
About git blame
#113 opened by LauGaHo