
A small service to make it easier for packages.ecosyste.ms to read data about Conda Packages in different channels.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Conda API

A small service to make it easier for packages.ecosyste.ms to read data about Conda Packages in different channels.


  • Provide a REST interface for list of all names of packages (as json)
  • Provide a REST interface for list of versions for each package (as json)
  • Update info from Specs repo frequently


  • Watch anaconda repos for updates
  • Tell Libraries about removed versions/packages



  • ruby 3.2.1
    • Installing via RVM or rbenv is recommended
  • redis

Local Development

Run bundle install to download all dependencies.

You can run a local server within a container with docker-compose docker-compose up or locally with bundle exec puma.

The server should now be running port 9292. This can be verified by going to http://localhost:9292 and verifying it sends back an 'Hello world' response.


Run the unit tests using rspec locally or within a built docker container docker build -t ecosyste-ms/conda-api . && docker run -it -e PORT=9292 -p 9292:9292 ecosyste-ms/conda-api rspec.