
Vph-Share Master Interface Web Application

Primary LanguagePython


Welcome to the Vph-Share Master Interface Django project.


Git installation requirements

Download and install the git client http://git-scm.com/download

Register to the github service https://github.com/

Clone our repository with git

Move to the local directory you want to deploy the application to then run the command

git clone https://<your username>@github.com/b3c/vphshare.git

By default, git will clone the repository into the ./vphshare/masterinterface directory

While the vphshare directory is meant to be just a container, the masterinterface directory will be the base project location

Python installation requirements

Download and install Python from the Python web site: http://www.python.org/download/releases/

Python version from 2.5 to 2.7 are supported.

Download and install setuptools according to your Python version from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools

Move into vphshare/masterinterface directory, then run the command:

python setup.py install

depending on your os, the command may need to be executed as a super user

All Python dependencies packages will be installed into your system


Django is a powerful and easy to use web framework.

Django documentation is huge and well written and maintained. Have yourself a look: https://www.djangoproject.com/

Beside the Django basic (coming soon into this README), all you need to know now is:

Database Syncronization

By default, the Master Interface application will store his data into a SQLite datbase.

The database file will be created at /vphshare/masterinterface/***vphshare.db*

If you feel the database for certain reason has been corrupted, delete the file and then run the command

python manage.py syncdb
python manage.py migrate

You will be asked for some information.

Not create Admin user in this step please. (see 'Create Superuser')

Database Migration

When there is a new version of Database schema, Master Interface need to be update schema and data to new version. Run the command

python manage.py migrate

Create Superuser

To create a super user you have to apply the migration command before. Then Run the command

python manage.py createsuperuser

and follow the wizard.

Start and Stop the web application

From the /vphshare/masterinterface/ directory, simply run the command

python manage.py runserver 8080

The web application will be reachable at http://locahost:8080

To stop the service, simply kill the process.

Create a new service application

To create the interface application for your service within the master interface project, just run the command

python wsdl2mi.py <your wsdl url>

To have an example of what it will be created, try to run the following

python wsdl2mi.py http://www.webservicex.net/sendsmsworld.asmx?WSDL

wsdl2mi limitations at version 0.1

Only SOAP services

One service per WSDL

One port per service

Complex types can only be a composition of simple types