
Barcode decoder using docker + python + opencv + zbar (windows only)

Primary LanguagePython

Barcode: Docker + Python + OpenCV + ZBar on Windows 7

This was created to help windows 7 users to run a python based barcode image decoder using opencv and zbar.

barcode.sh is ran inside a Docker container that is based from continuumio/miniconda3 image


  1. This only applies to Windows 7 users
  2. Install Docker Toolbox
  3. You should have bash terminal (Git bash or anything similar)


  1. Open the Docker Toolbox terminal
  2. cd into your ~/Desktop folder (cd ~/Desktop)
  3. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/ecovictoriano/barcode-docker-python-zbar-opencv-win7.git
  4. Open the cloned directory
  5. Build the image by running ./docker-build.sh
  6. Run and execute the barcode.sh script in an instance of the newly created image by executing ./docker-run.sh


  • Put any image with barcode inside the images