
Primary LanguageCrystal

utils on shell (for OSX)



To show en0 local IP address and store the IP address to your clipboard by pbcopy. This requires gawk (brew install gawk)


This script requests GET https://ip.ecp.plus which returns request IP address. And show the IP address and store it to your clipboard.

The endpoint is described here: https://memo.ecp.plus/ifconfig_by_api_gateway/


Open TMUX with pwd based socketname. Whenever you use tm command in the same directory, you will open the same session. This requires gawk (brew install gawk)


This lists your AWS EC2 instance Tags and Global IP addresses by calling aws ec2 command. So your environment needs AWS credential to call it. This is implemented with Crystal. You also need crystal compiler.


crystal build --release ec2-ip-addresses.cr

Then you can use ec2-ip-addresses binary.