Python script for generating videos by rapidly flipping through or overlaying images.
pip install flippy
This will automatically download and install flippy
, opencv-python
, and numpy
flippy /some/image/path
This will build a video out of the images in the directory /some/image/path
, using the auto-detected resolution at the default 20 FPS.
Flippy is heavily configurable, and accepts a number of command line arguments.
flippy /some/image/path -o ~/output.avi -f 60.0 -c XVID -t blend
INFO:root:Auto-detected image dimensions as 64x64...
INFO:root:Building fading timelapse of 24247 images in /some/path/faces...
INFO:root:Output settings: 64x64 @ 60.0 FPS
INFO:root:Successfully wrote /home/user/output.avi
For the full list of availble arguments, type flippy --help
usage: flippy [-h] [-v] [-f FPS] [-o OUTPUT] [-c CODEC] [-t TYPE] [-r REGEX]
path [path ...]
Build a fading timelapse of overlayed images.
positional arguments:
path path to read image files from
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose verbose logging
-f FPS, --fps FPS frames per second
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file
-c CODEC, --codec CODEC
fourcc codec (DIVX, XVID, MJPG, X264, WMV1, WMV2)
-t TYPE, --type TYPE type of video (blend, flipbook, split)
-r REGEX, --regex REGEX
file regex for images in path, default matches common
lowercase image extensions