
TPU fork of the official repository for the EMNLP 2019 paper, "Learning Invariant Representations of Social Media Users."

Primary LanguagePython

This is the official repository for the EMNLP 2019 paper "Learning Invariant Representations of Social Media Users," by Nicholas Andrews and Marcus Bishop. If you use the code or datasets released here in published work, the appropriate citation is:

    title = "Learning Invariant Representations of Social Media Users",
    author = "Andrews, Nicholas and Bishop, Marcus",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)",
    month = nov,
    year = "2019",
    address = "Hong Kong, China",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D19-1178",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/D19-1178",
    pages = "1684--1695"

The paper deals with learning vector representations of the activity of users on social media. In turn these representations can be used to identify authors from their posts. In fact, Author IDentification (aid) is the basis on which the representation is trained and is therefore the name of the Python module included in this repository.

Package Setup

To train the representation , you will need TensorFlow 2.0 and tqdm, which you can install with the command pip install tensorflow{-gpu} tqdm. Note that while evaluating the representation can be performed on a CPU, the training stage is considerably faster on a GPU, which would require the package tensorflow-gpu rather than tensorflow. The Author IDdentification (aid) package contained in this repository may then be installed by executing the following command in the root directory of this repository.

python setup.py install

To perform ranking evaluations, scikit-learn==0.21.3 is required. If you use conda, the following commands should be all you need to get a working environment:

conda create -n iur python=3.7
conda activate iur
pip install tensorflow-gpu
pip install tqdm
pip install scikit-learn
python setup.py install

Quick Start

Use scripts/fit.py to train new models. You must supply paths to preprocessed data in TFRecord format, as described below. Once a model is trained, it may be evaluated using the same script with the --mode rank flag.

For example, to fit a new model using the provided Reddit dataset:

python scripts/fit.py --expt_config_path data/reddit/config.json
                      --expt_dir experiment
		      --train_tfrecord_path "$DATA/queries.*.tf"
		      --valid_tfrecord_path "$DATA/targets.*.tf"
		      --num_classes 120601
		      --framework custom

This assumes your preprocessed data is located in directory specified by the environment variable $DATA matching the given file pattern. Note the quotes around the data paths, which are intended to prevent the expansion of the glob by the shell.

Note: fit.py supports two different training frameworks, one based on the Keras fit method, and custom framework that provides more user feedback, including periodic ranking experiments to help gauge training progress. We recommend using the custom framework, as shown in the command above.

The optimization and model architecture may be customized by passing in various hyperparameters at the command line. We have found the model to be fairly robust across different datasets, but better performance can usually be obtained with some fine-tuning. To get started, we provide an example set of flags in flagfiles/sample.cfg. You can pass this to fit.py directly by introducing the flag --flagfile flagfiles/sample.cfg in the command above.

Note: When evaluating a trained model using --mode rank, the hyperparameters must be the same as were used when training the model. This can be accomplished, for example, by using the same flag file.

If you want to directly manipulate vector embeddings, for example for visualization or for other kinds of evaluations than ranking, use --mode embed which will produce embeddings of data contained in the TFRecords specified with the --train_tfrecord_path flag. The model is specified using --expt_dir and the remaining flags should match those used to train the model (which you can ensure by using the same flag file). The resulting embeddings are written in numpy format to --output_embed_path. Note that it is important that the data is preprocessed using the same pipeline as was used to train the model. For example, use the same subword vocabulary. Finally, the TFRecords should contain exactly the episodes you wish to embed, and they should be of the same length as was used to train the model (--episode_len). We have not yet explored the variable-length episode setting, but we suspect that sampling episodes of different length during training would be sufficient to produce models capable of handling variable-length episodes at test time.

Reddit Data

We release the data in two formats: (1) in preprocessed binary format suitable for training new models with the code released in this repository; and (2) as raw comment IDs along with scripts to download and prepare the data from scratch.

  • Preprocessed data. The preprocessed data is in TFRecord format and divided into training and test splits, each divided into queries and targets.

  • Raw comment IDs. We provide a script to download and preprocess the raw comment IDs: data/reddit/download_and_prepare.sh.

Note: To run the script above, you will need some additional packages, namely sentencepiece==0.1.82, pandas==0.25.2, and a recent version of the Google Cloud Python API to download data from BigQuery. You will also need to export the environment variables listed at the top of the script. We secure Reddit data from BigQuery, which is considerably faster than using the Reddit API directly.

Preparing New Data from Scratch

The simplest way to start is to adapt the process laid out in the script data/reddit/download_and_prepare.sh mentioned above to your data source. The remainder of this section describes what that would entail.

First you'll want to assemble all the data you plan to use to train and evaluate the model. In our experiments in the paper, this involves dozens of short documents composed by around 100,000 different authors. However, we have also successfully trained models with fewer authors. Each document including text content and any associated meta-data you think will help distinguish authors. For example, in our Reddit experiment, the documents are posts and the meta-data includes the publication time of each post and the subreddit to which each post was published. You need to organize your data by author, and if using publication time as a feature, you should also sort the messages of each author by publication time. We will refer to the full sorted list of messages by a given author as that author's history.

Next you'll need to decide which data splits to construct, which will depend on the problem you're trying to solve. These include at a minimum a training dataset used to fit the model parameters. To monitor training progress, you'll want a validation dataset. Finally, to test the model performance you'll want a test dataset which should not be seen at training time.

The training dataset is specified in scripts/fit.py with the --train_tfrecord_path flag. Then you can train using the flag --framework fit, which will simply minimize the loss with respect to the the closed set of authors present in your dataset. You'll also need to specify the number of authors N using the flag --num-classes N. The training dataset should consist of the full histories of the N authors. Additionally, each author should be assigned an author_id in the range 0..N-1.

Our primary method of assessing the ability to detect same-authorship is formalized by a ranking experiment. To conduct the experiment periodically during training to monitor progress, you use the flag --framework custom to scripts/fit.py and supply a validation dataset with the --valid-tfrecord-path. This dataset should consist of episodes by exactly the same N authors comprising the training set, with each episode assigned the same author_id as the episode by the corresponding author in the training set.

In effect, the ranking experiment consists of matching the training episodes with the corresponding validation episodes. The success of the experiment is measured by a number of metrics, such as median rank, which should be a small integer, and mean reciprocal rank, which lies in the range [0, 1] with larger values corresponding with better performance.

A simple way to constuct training and validation splits is to simply divide each author's chronologically sorted history in the middle, the first portion contributing to the training split, and the remainder to the validation split. In this way, the validation episodes will be future to the training episodes, so the success of the experiment will illustrate that the model generalizes well to future data.

If desired, you can test the model after training by calling scripts/fit.py with the --mode rank flag. For purposes of these ranking experiments, the test data must be split into queries and targets, with the targets usually chosen to be future to the queries. The authors and the number of authors in these testing datasets may be different than those used for training, and there need not be any correspondence between the author_ids you assign to the training authors and those you assign to the testing authors.

Data format

You need to store each of the desired splits in JSON format, with one author history per line. You can store each split in several files to avail of TensorFlow's highly optimized data reading mechanism, and also to make the dataset less unwieldy. Each line should look like the following, but without the newlines we added for readability.

{ "author_id" : 0,
  "lens" : [1,2,,...],
  "syms" : [[3,4,...],[5,6,...],...],
  "action_type" : [7,8,...], 
  "hour" : [9,10,...]

You should use the keys specified in the Features enum defined in aid/features.py, as we have here. Each JSON object should have a unique author_id in the range 0...N-1, where N is the number of authors in this split. The text content of each post should be encoded as a list of integers, with sentencepiece, for example. The length of each encoded post should appear in the lens field. The encoded posts themselves should be concatenated and stored in the syms field. If using a categorical feature of each post, such as subreddit, those can be stored in the action_type field. Finally, this example also uses the hour of the day of the publication time of each post as a feature. These are shown in the hour field.

For efficiency, the JSON file(s) should be converted to TFRecords using scripts/json2tf.py. You should run this program once of each of the four data splits. To run the program, you will need to specify a configuration file with the --config option. See the file data/reddit/config.json for an example of such a configuration file. You should specify the location of the JSON files you constructed with the --json option. If you opted to create multiple JSON files, you can use a file name glob, remembering to quote the whole glob. Finally, you specify the prefix of the names of the output files with the --tf option.

Note: For computational expediency, we truncate the length of each individual comment to 32 subwords and consider only short episodes up to length 16. However, with less truncation and longer episodes, we expect the quality of the embeddings to improve, at the cost of requiring more computational resources to train the model and produce embeddings at inference time.