
FusionFight is fully on-chain NFT Card style turn based 2-player game. Both players compete with their attack and defence points(randomised every round) and the player loosing all health bars looses.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


FusionwaveFight is fully onchain NFT Card style turn based 2-player game. Both players compete with thier attack and defence points(randomised every round) and the player loosing all health bars looses.

Tech Stack

This is full-stack onchain web3 gaming Dapp, our tech stack includes Vite, Reactjs, React-tilt, TailwindCSS, JavaScript, Nodejs, TypeScript, Hardhat and Ethersjs. The client(frontend) is deployed on Netlify and the smartcontract is deployed on scrollSepolia, helaTestnet, arbitrumSepolia and Skale(Chaos) Testnets.

website - https://game.fusionwaveai.com

Verified contract addresses

Scroll Sepolia - https://sepolia.scrollscan.io/address/0x3E0D77A8a83a5ed416E30ab691eb3DaB0a0D9Cb5#code

helaTestnet -

Arbitrum Sepolia - https://sepolia.arbiscan.io/address/0xcd9153aD5C981e30D560dE93454e590E476891A5#code

Skale Testnet -