FusionwaveFight is fully onchain NFT Card style turn based 2-player game. Both players compete with thier attack and defence points(randomised every round) and the player loosing all health bars looses.
This is full-stack onchain web3 gaming Dapp, our tech stack includes Vite, Reactjs, React-tilt, TailwindCSS, JavaScript, Nodejs, TypeScript, Hardhat and Ethersjs. The client(frontend) is deployed on Netlify and the smartcontract is deployed on scrollSepolia, helaTestnet, arbitrumSepolia and Skale(Chaos) Testnets.
website - https://game.fusionwaveai.com
Scroll Sepolia - https://sepolia.scrollscan.io/address/0x3E0D77A8a83a5ed416E30ab691eb3DaB0a0D9Cb5#code
helaTestnet -
Arbitrum Sepolia - https://sepolia.arbiscan.io/address/0xcd9153aD5C981e30D560dE93454e590E476891A5#code
Skale Testnet -