
LDAP Authentication driver for the Laravel PHP framework

Primary LanguagePHP


This bundle allows you to authenticate users against an LDAP server. Only tested against Windows Directory, but I'm happy to include support for others if there is a need.

Note: This bundle requires the PHP LDAP extension to be installed.


Get the bundle

Install using Laravel's Artisan CLI tool:

php artisan bundle:install ldapauth

Or clone into the bundles directory with git:

git clone https://github.com/kbanman/laravel-ldapauth

Autoload it

Register the bundle and set it to autoload by adding this line to application/bundles.php:

'ldapauth' => array('auto' => true),

Set the Auth Driver and Server

Change the driver parameter in application/config/auth.php to ldapauth.

And add the following to the end of that file:

'ldap' => array(
    // Hostname of the domain controller
    'host' => 'dc',

    // The domain name
    // null for openldap
    'domain' => 'example.com',

    // LDAP type (openldap or ad)
    'ldap_type' => '',
    // require for openldap
    // null for ad
    'base_dn' => 'dc=example,dc=com',
    'user_dn' => 'ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com',

     * require attribure for user search 
     * ex. samaccountname for ad 
     * 	   uid for openldap
    'user_search' => '',

    // Optionally require users to be in this group
    //'group' => 'AppUsers',

    // Domain credentials the app should use to validate users
    // This user doesn't need any privileges; it's just used to connect to the DC
    'control_user' => 'uid=test,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com',
    'control_password' => 'test',


And you're all set!