

  • You must set up a web server with Nginx, in only one docker container. The container OS must be debian buster.
  • Your web server must be able to run several services at the same time. The services will be a WordPress website, phpMyAdmin and MySQL. You will need to make sure your SQL database works with the WordPress and phpMyAdmin.
  • Your server should be able to use the SSL protocol.
  • You will have to make sure that, depending on the url, your server redirects to the correct website.
  • You will also need to make sure your server is running with an index that must be able to be disabled.


Bootstrap used for the style of my index.


# Build image
docker build -t ft_server .

# Run image
docker run -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 ft_server
  • SSL auto-certificate is created
  • MySQL is automatically created