This environment is equipped with 2-3 virtual machines built with Vagrant 'bento' boxes.
- VER1-ANSIBLE (CentOS 6.7)
- VER2-ANSIBLE (Ubuntu 14.04)
- VEM1-ANSIBLE (Ubuntu 14.04) (Windows Only)
If you are using Linux, your host will be the Ansible control machine. If using Windows, VEM1-ANSIBLE (Ubuntu 14.04) will be used as the control machine and will have Ansible pre-installed.
- Ansible
- Bash
- Curl
- Git
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox
Open a terminal and run the following command:
bash <(curl -s
To pick up the configurations from the ansible.cfg file in this project, run all ansible commands from the /etc/ansible/ansible-N-vagrant directory.
Note: You may have to run the initial Ansible command twice before it is
To execute an Ansible ad-hoc command, run the following command:
ansible all -m MODULE [ OPTIONS [ARGS] ]
To execute an Ansible playbook, run the following command:
ansible-playbook PLAYBOOK [ OPTIONS [ARGS] ]
- Git
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox
Open PowerShell (or Command Prompt) and run the following commands:
iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")
Once the build is complete, login to
using puTTY as ansible
with the password ansible
. You can also execute the following command directly from PowerShell:
putty ansible@
Run the following command to test the setup:
ansible all -m ping
Open VirtualBox as administrator/sudo and login to VEM1-ANSIBLE
as ansible
with the password ansible
. Then, run the following command to test the setup:
ansible all -m ping
Whether or not you're on Windows, you still have the ability to login to the console of the remote machines.
You can now destroy and rebuild the virtual machines with the following commands:
cd $HOME/ecstatic-nobel/ansible-N-vagrant/linux_setup
vagrant destroy -f
To remove the project completely, run the following commands:
cd $HOME/ecstatic-nobel/ansible-N-vagrant/linux_setup
vagrant destroy -f
cd $HOME
sudo rm -r ./ecstatic-nobel/ansible-N-vagrant /etc/ansible/ansible-N-vagrant
You can now destroy and rebuild the virtual machines with the following commands:
cd $HOME\ecstatic-nobel\ansible-N-vagrant\windows_setup
vagrant destroy -f
To remove the project completely, run the following commands:
cd $HOME\ecstatic-nobel\ansible-N-vagrant\windows_setup
vagrant destroy -f
cd $HOME
rmdir .\ecstatic-nobel\ansible-N-vagrant\ -Force -Recurse