
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'vnode.componentInstance') on Safari

reado opened this issue · 1 comments

reado commented

Hey Everyone

I just found on that I get a console error in Safari when I'm using a Card element in my component.

I have a pretty straight forward setup where I'm loading the Stripe V3 library in my server rendered page (in my case, that's a Laravel Blade Template) and all i'm trying to do is allow customers to update their credit card information using the handleCardSetup function. This is working great on all other browsers but Safari hates this and the the debug console is hard to follow along.

I saw some other posts about Safari indicating that 'Stripe should be loaded in mounted()' which I'm assuming means removing the V3 script tag from my server rendered page, and instead injecting it into the mounting method.

I did this but i'm still getting a ton of errors in the console indicating that the V3 library hasn't loaded yet.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Should be fixed by #120, feel free to reopen if it isn't the case