- 4
- 1
- 7
Payment Element and Stripe Connect
#128 opened by sebaqe - 1
Apple pay example code
#129 opened by tarishekola - 9
Vue3 is not supported
#118 opened by SteveLewisES - 4
"self is not defined" with Nuxt
#126 opened by lolbyaka - 2
confirmCardSetup no longer available
#125 opened by PaddyLock - 7
Can't add card holder name
#122 opened by hendrikeng - 8
Nuxt not working ?
#92 opened by thinguyennam4059605 - 1
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'vnode.componentInstance') on Safari
#95 opened by reado - 10
- 3
- 3
Cannot setup automatically value to PostalCode and as I think to other elements as well
#101 opened by Gemofort - 1
IBAN support
#53 opened by axtg - 2
- 6
Stripe PaymentIntent
#67 opened by karimhossenbux - 8
How do we use createPaymentMethod() with this?
#91 opened by bkuhl - 3
mounted stripe script
#70 opened by hounded - 3
- 1
Multiple Elements Example Not Working
#72 opened by purplelady105 - 2
Support for stripeAccount parameter
#116 opened by Bibendus83 - 3
Remove lodash dependency if not used
#104 opened by siegerts - 7
- 1
Can't set StripeAccount to an instance
#106 opened by perle-rare - 1
StripeOptions not working correctly
#113 opened by jamols09 - 3
How show card icon with single element
#59 opened by fabien44300 - 1
How to include Card Holder name?
#112 opened by jamols09 - 4
- 1
- 1
- 1
Module not found
#87 opened by dhaval-dignizant - 2
Force locale
#79 opened by cgrisar - 13
createPaymentMethod is not working.
#96 opened by smarttvdev - 1
Stripe Broken UI
#111 opened by jamols09 - 2
Electron: Live Stripe.js integrations must use HTTPS
#105 opened by fsproru - 2
Use library inside Vue Component
#88 opened by emtiazzahid - 1
Payment 3D Secure and 3D Secure 2
#94 opened by perle-rare - 5
using axios
#81 opened by trevorpan - 5
#80 opened by kyoukhana - 1
Is Paypal supported
#76 opened by cliffordh - 0
Unable to post message to Recipient has origin
#73 opened by parappathekappa - 6
Support for Stripe Payment Intents
#66 opened by CromonMS - 1
Card Number placeholder
#63 opened by miljko1984 - 1
Latest release not on NPM
#62 opened by jorngeorg - 4
Error in mounted hook: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'mount' of undefined"
#57 opened by CyberStrike - 0
- 0
Loaded event
#54 opened by DSimonovski - 3
Does configuration for fonts exists?
#64 opened by dvlden - 1
Can't type card info on microsoft edge
#61 opened by ugurgungezerler - 2
Support for the hidePostalCode option
#60 opened by mydnic