A plugin for mkdocs to automatically generate api documentation for a python library.
The project documentation is made using itself!
exposes a set of jinja2 templates
for use in your mkdocs
project. The most basic usage is to include a markdown file for
each module you want to document
In docs/my_module.md
{{ auto_module("my-package.my-module") }}
And in your mkdocs.yaml
site_name: MkLorum
- Home: index.md
- Auto: my_module.md
- mkdocs_apidoc
And that's it! The module docstring and docstrings for classes, methods and functions are automatically rendered in your site documentation. We've provided some default formatting for how the various components get rendered to markdown, but these can be customized using a jinja2 template in the config.
pip install mkdocs-apidoc