Meteor smart package for Google's opinionated web component framework 'Polymer'
- 3
Instead of including fixed versions of the polymer components and additional client side stuff please provide the user with a sample bower dependencies descriptor instead
#31 opened by silkentrance - 11
Example project
#2 opened by marcodejongh - 0
Why would you add the following files to server as publicly available assets?
#30 opened by silkentrance - 4
polymer 0.9 beta
#29 opened by illuminaut - 1
- 0
Cannot read property 'resolveDom'
#27 opened by ramstein74 - 1
Console error after running meteor add ecwyne:polymer and meteor add ecwyne:polymer-elements
#25 opened by ajaysharma2007 - 1
- 13
- 15
How do i make it work in Safari?
#1 opened by frozeman - 6
configuring components path
#17 opened by lukejagodzinski - 4
Installing components
#11 opened by lukejagodzinski - 0
ie/firefox raises error in webcomponents.js
#21 opened by ChenRoth-old - 1
platform.js to webcomponents.js breaking
#23 opened by spacecowboy858 - 0
- 1
usage and installation not working?
#22 opened by philcruz - 3
Slow reload
#12 opened by lukejagodzinski - 9
Deploying meteor polymer
#16 opened by Urigo - 7
Uncaught HierarchyRequestError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': Nodes of type 'HTML' may not be inserted inside nodes of type '#document'.
#6 opened by greyarch - 9
Creating a Meteor package
#8 opened by Urigo - 2
release latest to atmosphere
#15 opened by ryw - 2
Parse error in tag
#9 opened by victorleungtw - 0
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