
Run shell commands in multiple directories.

Primary LanguageGo


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A utility that runs shell commands in multiple directories.

Installing from source

To install multic from source:

$ go get github.com/eczarny/multic

Assuming that Go has been installed the multic binary should reside under $GOPATH/bin/multic. Add this to the $PATH.


multic will run what ever command it is given in the configured group of directories, or directory groups.

By default multic will look for a config file under the ~/.multic directory. The path to an alternative configuration file can be provided by specifying the --configuration or -c option.

Unless otherwise specified via the --group or -g option multic will use the default directory group. Details on the configuration file format used by multic are provided in a subsequent section of the README file.

Refer to multic's help for additional options.


multic will execute shell commands under each of the directories in a particular directory group. For each example assume the following configuration:


To list the contents of each directory in the default directory group:

$ multic ls -la

multic will run the ls -la command in both ~/Projects/Go/src/github.com/eczarny/lexer and ~/Projects/Go/src/github.com/eczarny/multic directories (the lexer and multic directory groups, respectively).

Running a command in a particular directory group is just a bit more involved:

$ multic -g multic ginkgo -r=true

Configuring directory groups

Directory groups are declared in multic's configuration file. Each line declares a key and a list of values. Keys can then be referenced in subsequent lines as variables.

Take the multic configuration used in the examples above. The PROJECTS directory group declares one directory ~/Projects. The GO_SRC directory group refers to PROJECTS, resulting in a directory group with one directory.

If directory groups consisting of multiple directories are referenced by another directory group all are added to that directory group. The default directory group is an example of this; $go_projects references a directory group including both $lexer and $multic. Upon evaluation multic will use ~/Projects/Go/src/github.com/eczarny/lexer and ~/Projects/Go/src/github.com/eczarny/multic when running commands in the default directory group.

To review the configured directory groups:

$ multic -l

Specifying a default directory group is a good idea. If a default is not configured multic will require an explicit directory group every time it is used.