

Primary LanguageSwift

Free for Food (FFF)

Project by Yang Yan, Stella Yang, Jing Lin, and Tony Wang.

An app that lets you find friends near you who are available right now to grab a meal with. Grabbing a meal is really just a proxy for hanging out.


Secrets are available via the link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1U_5gPiPYDzk3eNVXlqUZNAM9XGK7QQTM?usp=sharing.

In addition to cloning the repository, several secret files need to be imported from the folder secret-files via the link. Relative to the root repository directory, these files are:

secret-files path Repository path
Secret.swift /fff_ios/Secret.swift
django_secret_key.py /django/fff/django_secret_key.py
add_mock_data_secrets.py /django/api/management/commands/add_mock_data_secrets.py


FFF builds for both iOS and Android using Flutter.


FFF runs a Django backend on an AWS EC2 instance managed by Yang. The Django server is tunneled via an HTTP multiplexer to the backend URL https://mus.icu with the command:

ssh -p 2222 -R mus.icu:80: gilgamesh.cc

Substitute 8000 with whatever port Django runs on. Both the tunnel and the Django server run on the same instance, in separate tmux sessions. The instance is accessible via the command:

ssh mus_icu@gilgamesh.cc

The password is the secret $BACKEND_PASSWORD.

The Django server should be run with:

./manage.py runserver --noreload

to prevent too much CPU load.

The backend runs at https://mus.icu because that is a domain we bought before realizing we want to do FFF instead of mus-icu as our Hack Lodge project.


The backend runs on the production branch, which is master but one commit ahead, turning off DEBUG mode for the Django server and making the reset script not add mock data.


Django interfaces with a Postgres server on the backend. These are the instructions to setting up the Postgres server:

cd django
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib python-psycopg2 libpq-dev
sudo su - postgres
createuser -P fff
psql postgres

The Postgres user fff should have password $POSTGRES_FFF_PASSWORD, available as a secret. Postgres should run on the default port. When installing Postgres, the local user postgres should have password password for clarity.

On OSX with Brew, Postgres can be installed via:

brew install postgresql

On Windows, each command should be run with -U postgres instead of prepending commands with sudo su - postgres.


Unauthenticated endpoints

Route Usage
/ 404
/dumb/ Returns status 200, with only the word "dumb". Used for sanity checks.
/favicon.ico/ Favicon for the backend. Not used.
/admin/ Default Django admin panel. Superuser login required.
/auth/login/ Login with user credentials. Note token.
/auth/facebook/ Login to FFF with a Facebook token to retrieve the FFF $TOKEN.

Authenticated endpoints

All authenticated routes require an Authorization header, with the value Token $TOKEN, where $TOKEN is obtained via logging in.

Route Usage
/api/dumb/ Returns status 2xx if authenticated, otherwise an error status (4xx). Used to test if token is valid.
/api/self/detail/ Properties of the authenticated user.
/self/device/<str:registration_id>/ Subscribe or unsubscribe device from notifications.
/lobby/expiration/ Get or set lobby expiration time.
/lobby/friends/ Get set of all friends in lobby.
/ffrequests/create/ Create a new FF request (request to eat with friend).
/ffrequests/incoming/<str:status>/ Get set of incoming FF requests.
/ffrequests/outgoing/<str:status>/ Get set of outgoing FF requests.
/ffrequests/respond/<int:pk>/<str:action>/ Respond to an incoming FF request.
/ffrequests/cancel/<int:pk>/ Cancel an outgoing FF request.
/ffrequests/search_friend_request/<int:other_pk>/ Get the FF request associated with a given friend (incoming or outgoing).
/ffrequests/accepted_and_unread/ View all outgoing FF requests which have been accepted by the other party, but have not been notified locally yet. Used to pop-up a notification when the friend accepts an outgoing FF request.
/friends/friends/ Returns the set of user's friends.
/friends/nonfriends/ Returns the list of all users which are not friends and have not been sent a friend request.
/friends/fbfriends/ Returns a list of user's Facebook friends also on FFF.
/friends/requests/<str:action>/ Get incoming or outgoing friend requests.
/friends/actions/<str:action>/<int:pk>/ Create, accept, decline, or cancel incoming or outgoing friend requests.
/friends/bulkadd/ Bypass friend requests system and add a set of users as friends.
/api/mockdata/generate_for_user/ Generate mock data for logged-in user. Only useful for debugging.