
My personal macOS configuration

Primary LanguageShell


My macOS configuration files. Screen Shot 2022-07-21 at 22 33 09

jklö centric navigation and vim moves for my german keyboard. nvim as a capable C/C++ debugging environment. color scheme consistency across all configurations.

  • neovim
  • skhd
  • nnn (personal fork)
  • yabai (personal fork)
  • sketchybar

Most setup steps are in .install.sh

SketchyBar Setup

  • Uses sf-symbols: brew install --cask sf-symbols
  • Uses jq: brew install jq
  • Uses ifstat: brew install ifstat
  • Uses github-cli: brew install gh (gh auth login for notifications)
  • If you don't use yabai you can safely remove the yabai item from system.sh
  • (optional) yabai events:
yabai -m signal --add event=window_focused action="sketchybar --trigger window_focus"
  • (optional) skhd shortcuts should trigger the sketchybar events, e.g.:
lalt - space : yabai -m window --toggle float; sketchybar --trigger window_focus
shift + lalt - f : yabai -m window --toggle zoom-fullscreen; sketchybar --trigger window_focus
lalt - f : yabai -m window --toggle zoom-parent; sketchybar --trigger window_focus

neovim setup

  • Paste my .confg/nvim/ folder
  • Run PackerSync
nvim +PackerSync
  • My remappings are in .config/nvim/lua/mappings.lua, you can change or remove them freely.
  • (optional) Install font and set it as the terminal font:
git clone git@github.com:shaunsingh/SFMono-Nerd-Font-Ligaturized.git /tmp/SFMono_Nerd_Font
mv /tmp/SFMono_Nerd_Font/* $HOME/Library/Fonts
rm -rf /tmp/SFMono_Nerd_Font/