Homebrew Core

Formulae for tools built or used by edahlseng.


brew install edahlseng/core/<formula name>


  • clang-tidy: clang-based C++ “linter” tool (clang-tidy is normally only available along with the rest of the tools in the llvm Formula in the core repository)
  • git-sweep: A command line tool for cleaning up stale local branches in a Git repository.
  • KiCad-Diff: A Python program with a Tk interface for comparing KiCad PCB revisions.
    • Note: This formula relies on the Python executable packaged with KiCad. Furthermore, only Python 3+ is supported, which is only available in KiCad nightlies as of 2021 September. Therefore a KiCad nightly will need to be manually installed somewhere on the system, and an environment variable pointing to it will need to be set: HOMEBREW_KICAD_APP_PATH=/path/to/KiCad.app. Example: HOMEBREW_KICAD_APP_PATH="/Applications/KiCad-nightly/KiCad.app" brew install kicad-diff
  • KiCad Revision Inspector (KiRi): KiRI is a small tool to experiment having a visual diff tool for KiCad.
  • plotkicadsch: A small tool to export Kicad Sch files to SVG pictures.
  • pull-request: A command line tool for common repository actions related to creating and submitting pull-requests


Ensure that all brew audit --new-formula <path/to/formula> tests pass.


# --debug will catch errors, providing an option to drop into a shell
# --verbose will show output from the install steps (but will show a lot of other Homebrew output, as well)
brew (re)install ./Formula/<tool name>.rb [--debug] [--verbose]

# Run tests defined in formula
brew test ./Formula/<tool name>.rb

# Clean up by uninstalling; install again from the Git repo once pushed
brew uninstall ./Formula/<tool name>.rb