
A user event script that injects the inventory detail details (lol) to be able to extract mainly the lot expiration date and use it on PDF templates

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A user event script that injects the inventory detail details (lol) to be able to extract mainly the lot expiration date and use it on PDF templates

This will create a form field according to ID on FIELD_ID. This can then be used in an Advanced HTML/PDF template as follows:

<#-- xml such and such -->
<#if record.item?has_content>
  <#if record.custpage_inj_inventory_detail?? && record.custpage_inj_inventory_detail?has_content>
    <#assign inventoryDetail = (record.custpage_inj_inventory_detail!"{}")?eval_json>
  <#list record.item as item>
    <#-- table -->
      <#if inventoryDetail?? && inventoryDetail[item_index?string]?? && inventoryDetail[item_index?string]["expirationdate"]?has_content>
     <#-- table end -->