
this is the client side of our london application for assignment 3.3 in 'Web development course' to run the application follow this steps:

  • open SSMS
  • run the appliaction server as described in 'LondonProject' repository
  • open VScode, open 'index.html' file and run 'Live Server' (ALT+L+O)
    ** the application will run on 'localhost:5500'

to get full access for the system you need either register or login. Here is a list of registered users: <username, password>

  1. a, a
  2. edanbi, 123456
  3. idanwe, 1q2w3er4
  4. bibi, saraKapara
  5. micky, mouse43
  6. maayanSf, 00000
  7. hacker, 189189
  8. mshtamsh, sisma10
  9. wer, qwert
  10. prince, harry555